Money: The Recognition to your hard work


Money does not grow on trees. 

This saying has been instilled on us since childhood and probably continuing on future generations to come. The intention is pure I don't deny but the outcome needs to be revisited. The basic idea behind this was to be grateful for what we have and spare our parents from the burden of relentless work to meet their monthly survival and thereby putting us up on a safe path of contentment. 

Older generations believed in the idea of being safe  than to explore the unchartered territories. No blame;  they simply lacked the exposure to possibilities for wealth beyond the necessity for contentment. The prevailing belief was that the want for more money makes you greedy.

However, its high time we reassess this perspective. We need to stop viewing money as an elusive beanstalk. That's a lame old fairytale, far from reality. Money is in fact, a reward for your diligent hard work and efforts that transcends the confines of a conventional job. In this world of infinite possibilities we could leverage our passion to make an earning not out of necessity but as a recognition of our dedication and there's nothing whimsical about that. We often see ourselves as consumers striving to save as much to meet our needs. But if we shift our mindset to that of a producer- whether being an entrepreneur or sharing our passion- we can attain what we desire. And when you reach this point you'll take pride in all the hardships you have overcome and won't feel guilty about the wealth you deserved. While I strongly advocate continuous self-education, I have begun to question whether it should be treated as a sole measure of our long-term financial standing. Instead, lets evaluate our worth based on our skills and thereby liberating our life on our terms. Money should not be merely served as a means to pay bills but symbolize genuine wealth, earned and deserved.

This brings us back to the adage- "Money does not grow on trees". Yes it doesn't, but you can cultivate trees that will bear the fruits of financial success. Just as it takes time for a sapling to mature to a full grown tree, it may appear lengthy, yet with unwavering passion and fulfilment you'll see your growth from a tender sapling to this nurturing tree. 

So lets dive into the world of side hustles and unleash our passions!  Do what you always wanted to do. Discover yourself and don't be afraid to make your passion a source of income. They say life is full of risks but no bigger risks than not risking it!


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